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During the international coastal cleanup day in Singapore, I Led a group of 8 people from my school to execute cleaning at the East Coast Park. This event was organised to raise our environmental awareness. On this day, streams of students clad in their PE attire were bubbling with excitement as they assembled at the coast, I was one of them. The afternoon heat beat down on them mercilessly.


However, having been imbued with the school value of Resilience, We worked hard at picking up rubbish and sorting items for recycling. Through these experiences, I truly understand that it is our job to help save mother earth and to be a part of the environment protector.


My teacher in charge of the events praised those who participate in this clean up as a caring individual that step out of the comfort zone to play a part for the environment at the end of the cleanup.


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From 10 June to 19 June 2013, I was selected to be part of the team for the international Service-Learning program to Laos. In Laos, we have to conduct activities to build literacy and social skills for children aged 5 to 12 years old. Even though our nationality and language is different from each other we have successfully communicated with children and volunteers despite the language differences. We even take part in the building of a new school building for the students in the school. 


Through these experiences, I truly understand that there is still people and children who are unfortunate in the world, we are fortunate to be living in Singapore. We should always try to help the less fortunate if we have the ability to help, be it a donation or as a volunteer.


Overall we managed to successfully build a new building for the Laos students for their physical activities lessons. The principal of the Laos school even praised us for our hard work and effort put in in for helping them in building the new building.


For this donation drive, we were tasked to ask for recycled products or materials from the nearby HDB building. We had the experience of working as a recycle materials collector in the single day, what we need to do is to collect the recycle materials such as newspaper, television and bring it to the collection point. This experience is not as easy as I thought as we have to go to a few HDB blocks in the neighbourhood and to ask for recycled materials. From this experience I've learnt to play a part in protecting the environment



On September 2014, APSN held its annual Flag Day fundraising event island-wide in the hope to raise funds for APSN’s training and education as well as increasing awareness on APSN. During the flag day. I was tasked to Go all around Singapore with my group members for Public donation.


We have to stay under the hot sun if there is no shelter in the surrounding, but our determination to help raise funds for the people who are unfortunate are strong. We also have the chance to train our public-speaking skills when we speak to the public to ask for funds. Through this experience, I have the opportunity to help those who are in needs by raising fund to improve their foods and daily needs.


The Flag day was successful as we raise enough funds for the unprivileged people that needed the money for their daily needs.

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